These Fantastic Mirror Ilusions Capable of Transforming Your Spaces

These Fantastic Mirror Ilusions Capable of Transforming Your Spaces

To transform an architectural space or enhance a showroom, nothing beats the magic power of a mirror effect. Reflecting its environment more or less faithfully, it makes it possible to create surprising visual effects, and can in turn amuse, question, even destabilize. How to magnify a place by taking advantage of the reflective capacities of mirrors? Presentation of some optical illusions obtained thanks to Like Mirror mirrors in architecture or in events.

The Two-Way Mirror Scrim effect: Behind the mirror, a play of light and transparency

Transparent or reflective depending on the lighting, the two-way mirror scrim plays with appearances to highlight your objects and spaces. During a Dior exhibition organized at the Museum of Decorative Arts, the scenographers thus succeeded in giving fullness to the dresses exhibited on the catwalk by accentuating the perspective of the decor with a large-format two-way mirror scrim reflecting or letting in the light depending on needs.

More discreet: How to Erase part of the decor with a Mirror

In addition to being able to give relief, the mirror can also be used to remove annoying elements such as unsightly posts. Or even create ephemeral facades in mirror panels on which the surrounding vegetation is reflected to make a decorative element invisible (for example temporary toilets, a protective tarpaulin, a technical installation, etc.).

The cathedral mirror effect: Giving height to the facade

The installation of a mirror strip along a facade gives the impression that a glazed curtain wall from floor to ceiling stretches upwards. Visually speaking, the facade is doubled in height by its reflection in the mirror. The stretch mirror also has the advantage of bringing a lot more light inside the building.

This display is part of the Christian Dior exhibit at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris.

The Giant Mirror Kaleidoscope

Cleverly positioned in the manner of a giant kaleidoscope, multiple mirror panels installed in a tunnel can also give the illusion to dumbfounded passers-by of crossing a psychedelic jungle in the heart of London. A change of scenery guaranteed for an original installation installed overnight to surprise regulars in the early morning!

Infinity in Perspective

By using two mirrors that reflect into each other, you can achieve stunning infinity effects. This technique has many variations resulting from the choice of installation: feedback effect by placing the mirrors opposite each other, screen opening effect with positioning of the mirrors in an L shape… It’s up to you to play according to your desires for the effect mirror !

The Ice Palace: A Volume Boost as if by Magic

On the ceiling or on a wall, a stretch mirror will give the impression that your rooms have been miraculously enlarged: this is the Palace of Mirrors mirror effect well known to visitors to Versailles! Or how to give breadth to your spaces by simply investing in a mirror.

Skylights and Suction Effects

As with the two-way mirror scrim, light often gives a new dimension to your spaces equipped with mirrors. By judiciously using LED strips, it is for example possible to create suction and relief effects in places without depth.

Water Body Effect

Photographers are familiar with this visual effect, which consists of using the reflection of a subject or a landscape on the surface of a body of water to give relief to an image. With a mirrored floor or ceiling, this effect can be reproduced and combined with personalized shapes and patterns to create unexpected optical illusions.

Destructuring Effect

As in the case of the giant kaleidoscope, the construction of a form from origami-like triangle mirror facets can give a destructuring effect to a space. When we move around the installation, the brain has difficulty interpreting the different reflections of the environment on the mirrors. Destabilization guaranteed!

There are many other uses for mirrors that will allow you to enhance an architectural installation or an event space. The field of possibilities is just as vast as your imagination! Do not hesitate to consult our idea generator to find inspiration and deceive your visitors or guests. And to learn more about our products, contact our experts!

Don't hesitate to contact us if you're interested in this solution!

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What kind of illusions can be created with Like Mirror mirrors?

With Like Mirror mirrors, an infinite array of visual illusions is available to you. From the two-way mirror scrim that plays with light and transparency to enhance spaces, to giant kaleidoscopes offering psychedelic journeys in the heart of the city, to the stunning infinity effects obtained by combining two mirrors. Height-doubled fronts, suction effects with LED strips and water effect illusions with floor or ceiling reflection are just a few examples of the breadth of possibilities. Create an illusion with these mirrors, to amaze visitors and enhance spaces.


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